4th Grade Walker Stars
Tumble Math - If prompted, the username is tumble2020, & the password is A3b5c6 .
Fraction Games
Match the Equivalent Fractions
Independent Task - Week of 1.21.20
Independent Task - Week of 11.18.19
Independent Task - Week of 10.21.19
Quarter 1 District Assessment Study Guide - Test on Friday, October 18th
Partner Work Spinner - Click HERE!
Independent Task - Week of 9.16.19
Think Through Math -> Site Code: 4829850
Strip Diagram Anchor Chart:
Independent Task for the Week of September 3rd
Rounding Games:
Rounding Games - Multiple games can be found here.
Figure It Out Station - This link will force you to make a copy in your own Google Drive.
Independent Task Recording - Use this link to listen to the independent task.
Addition and Subtraction Games:
Math Baseball - Choose Addition or Subtraction. Then, select your level of play - Medium, Hard, or Super Brain!
Tic Tac Toe Squares - Choose your level (Medium, Hard, or Super Brain). Then choose Addition or Subtraction.
Math Man - Addition
Math Man - Subtraction
Addition - Fill in the missing digit!
Add 3 or more numbers up to millions!
Subtract Numbers up to Millions!
Subtraction: Fill in the Missing Digit!
Multiplication and Division Games:
Hidden Picture Multiplication!
Space Race 3000: Thinking Blocks
Math Baseball - Choose Multiplication or Division. Then, select your level of play - Easy, Medium, Hard, or Super Brain!
Tic Tac Toe Squares - Choose your level (Medium, Hard, or Super Brain). Then choose Multiplication or Division.
Math Man: Multiplication
Multiplication Games - Choose from the various games to practice your multiplication facts.
SpeedMath - Are YOU looking for a multiplication and division challenge? Check out this game!
Greg Tang Numeracy Puzzles: